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Lighthouses and Radios in August

At Point Wilson Lighthouse we're really looking forward to hosting a group of amateur radio operators for the International Lighthouse and Lightships Weekend (ILLW). The event starts Friday, August 19 at 4pm. and runs through Sunday, August 21 at 4pm. With the visiting "hams," we'll be celebrating the 25th anniversary of ILLW.

The ILLW began in 1998 as the Scottish Northern Lights Award run by the Ayr Amateur Radio Group and has since spread around the world. It traditionally takes place on the third full weekend in August each year. For ILLW, hams set up their gear at more than 500 lighthouses located in over 40 countries. It is one of the most popular international amateur radio events in existence.

At Point Wilson, the group plans to set up their radios and associated gear near the entrance to the lighthouse and invite lighthouse visitors to stop by to see what they're doing and to learn what amateur radio is all about.

Lighthouses and radios: a great combination. Don't miss it!

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Randy Walker
Randy Walker
May 12, 2023

The "hams" are coming back for the 2023 ILLW!

May 12, 2023
Replying to

Yes, and we at Point Wilson are looking forward to seeing our "ham" friends in August.

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