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Pipers at the Point


You know how it is. Finding a piper-friendly venue for your weekend bagpipe jam is such a drag. Some people don't know a good thing when they hear it. But if you're J. Craig Thorpe and Charlie Faddis you know just where to go.

Photo of J. Craig Thorne and Charlie Faddis with bagpipes at Point Wilson
A fine day for piping. Photo: Mel Carter

Head out to the perfect piping place: Point Wilson! How about a weekend in early October when you and property manager Mel Carter (who likes pipers and pipes) will be the only folks around in the evening? The October weather is probably perfect for piping practice. too.

Charlie, an engineer and inventor, and Craig, a painter have been friends since college days at Carnegie-Mellon where they played together in the Kiltie Band.

Clearly they enjoy piping together. It was fun having them Can we look forward to a return visit next year? We sure hope so!

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